Hot Weekend Ahead!

From TVA:

The hottest weekend of the summer so far is expected across the region but TVA and your local power company are taking the necessary steps to ensure the public power system remains safe and stable.

TVA plans for higher demands during hot weather – even with the increased power needs of the area’s growing economy – and we have safety margins built into our resilient public power system.

The hard work and dedication of thousands of public power employees at TVA and your local power company continues to reliably deliver the energy needed to keep you safe and comfortable:
  • On Thursday, July 21, the peak power demand was 29,808 megawatts – enough energy to power a typical home for nearly 2,000 years.
  • On Wednesday, July 20, we successfully supplied a peak power demand of 31,161 megawatts, the 7th highest July peak in TVA history and the first time a July peak was above 31,000 megawatts since 2008.
  • So far in July, we’ve already safely supplied more than 30,000 megawatts on four different days.
  • In June, we successfully supplied five of the top 10 power demands ever experienced during the month of June.
  • TVA has experienced no demand-related outages this summer.
While we continue to keep your power safe and stable, there are some simple ways for homeowners and businesses can help save money on future power bills:
  • Turn your thermostat up just one degree and use fans to circulate air.
  • Close window coverings on the sunny side of your home or office.
  • If possible, avoid using ovens, dishwashers, clothes dryers and other appliances that generate heat in your home until later in the evening or early in the morning. 
TVA and local power companies have plans in place to deal with extreme conditions that may challenge our ability to supply the extraordinary levels of energy being requested. These may include:
  • Voluntary calls for energy conservation,
  • Requests for power reductions at large industries, or
  • The use of temporary, localized interruptions, or
  • In the most extreme circumstances, rolling, system-wide outages to prevent damage and long-term outages on the larger power grid  
We understand the concerns about higher power bills due to increased power use and higher fuel costs, and your local power company may have multiple programs that can help, so contact them before getting behind on your bill to explore the possibilities.

More heat is expected in the coming days and weeks, but your public power team is continuing to take the necessary steps to ensure your electricity remains reliable during these extreme conditions.
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112 Spragins Street, Huntsville, AL 35801 | Map

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