Education Days And Presentations

Education Days
Since 2003, Huntsville Utilities has hosted students from local public, private, and homeschool organizations for a fun day of learning about where their utilities come from, how to use them safely, and how to make their homes more energy efficient.  The two-week event happens in October and is called Education Days.  It consists of five primary components: 


The Training Yard
– An outdoor training facility where apprentice linemen learn how to work safely on electric circuits. A staged fuse explosion, pole climbing exhibitions, and a pole-top rescue make this an exciting presentation.

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The Bucket Truck
– Students get an up close look at a bucket truck, including all the specialized tools line workers use to install and restore electric service.  Plus, a teacher or adult chaperone is chosen to climb in the bucket and enjoy the view from 65 feet high!  

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Dispatch Center
– When the power goes out, a water main breaks, or natural gas service is disrupted, Dispatch is the nerve center that directs crews to where the problem is and helps get service restored.  

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Natural Gas
– Students learn about this efficient energy form, where it comes from and how we use it to power our community. Plus, two words: "Exploding Bubbles."  Enough said.  


Our Water System
– Students learn about the history, design and quality of our community’s water system.  They also see what we do to make our water clean and safe, and what they can do to help protect this most valuable resource.  

Education Days is currently limited to fourth grade classes.  Slots are limited and fill up quickly.  Scheduling takes place in the fall. Students and teachers attend during a 2 week period in October.  Click here to request more information.

During the COVID19 pandemic, Huntsville Utilities produced a series of videos discussing many of the topics covered in education days.  Links to these videos are provided below.  Check out our regularly updated YouTube channel for more videos on a wide variety of utility-related topics!
Huntsville Utilities Administration Building

112 Spragins Street, Huntsville, AL 35801 | Map

Electric, Gas, or Water Service Outages


Main Utilities Numbers

Local: 256-535-1200 | Toll Free: 1-866-478-8845