Commercial Account Rates

Electric Rates Water Rates Natural Gas Rates Fiber Rates


Effective October 1, 2024| Schedule GSA

Applicability: Commercial, industrial, institutional where the customer’s contract demand is 5,000 kW (kW = kilowatt) or less.

Character of Service: Alternating current, single- or three-phase, 60 hertz. Power shall be delivered at a service voltage available in the vicinity or agreed to by Distributor.

If (a) the higher of (i) the customer’s currently effective contract demand, if any, or (ii) its highest billing demand during the latest 12-month period is not more than 50 kW, and (b) customer’s monthly energy takings for any month during such period do not exceed 15,000 kWh:

Customer Charge Energy Charge Demand Charge
$18.10 All kWh $0.11137/kWh None

If (a) the higher of (i) the customer’s currently effective contract demand, or (ii) its highest billing demand during the latest 12-month period is greater than 50 kW but not more than 1,000 kW, or (b) if the customer’s billing demand is less than 50 kW and its energy takings for any month during such period exceed 15,000 kWh:

Customer Charge Energy Charge Demand Charge
$85.55 First 15,000 kWh $0.11137/kWh First 50 kW of demand No Charge
Over 15,000 kWh $0.06343/kWh Over 50 kW of demand $15.01/kW

If the higher of the customer’s currently effective contract demand or its highest billing demand during the latest 12-month period is greater than 1,000 kW and less than 5,000 kW:

Customer Charge Energy Charge Demand Charge
$244.40 All kWh $0.06544/kWh First 1,000 kW of demand $15.41/kW
Over 1,000 kW of demand $15.23/kW

Customers larger than 5,000 kW, please contact Huntsville Utilities for specific rate information.


Customer Charge Energy Charge Demand Charge
$100.00 All kWh $0.23698/kWh None

Effective November 1, 2023

Huntsville Utilities water rates are a combination of consumption charges plus availability charges as set out below:

Monthly Consumption Charges
  Average Monthly Usage, in gallons (where applicable) Charge per 1,000 gallons
Commercial less than 1,000,000 $2.65
Industrial greater than 1,000,000 $2.17
All Sprinkler All usage $4.96

Monthly Availability Charge (based upon meter size)
5/8" $14.00
1″ or less $16.67
1.5” $51.33
2″ $77.87
3″ $165.59
4″ $268.66
6″ $533.87
8″ $726.18
10″ $1,380.27
Fire Line (per inch per month) $10.04
Fire Hydrant Charge (each per month) $7.53
Common (Master) Metered Accounts
  • (b) In addition to the above rates for water consumed, there is an availability charge that is added to the consumption charge, which charge is based on having water available to the customer or consumer for water consumed or used. In the event there is no consumption, the availability charge alone will apply. The availability charge is based on meter size, and is as follows:

    (c) Except for wholesale/resale, supplemental and sole-source sale where water is used through a common meter, and

    (1) Where more than one house, building, or structure used for living, eating, or sleeping quarters, or in which a business occupation or profession is conducted or carried on, or

    (2) In apartment houses or buildings, or

    (3) In houses or buildings occupied by more than one family, or

    (4) In business houses or buildings where one or more persons or entities are located therein and each person or entity is engaged in a separate business or different business, or

    (5) Mobile home parks or facilities where multiple units or spaces each have a water connection, then each separate house, building, or structure, each unit in an apartment house or building, each family in one house, each person or entity engaged in a separate business or different business in one business house or building, each space or unit in a mobile home park or facility shall be subject to the availability charge per month of Fourteen and 00/100 ($14.00) Dollars, effective October 2023, and in addition to any water consumed. If there is no consumption, the availability charge as set forth in paragraph (b) will apply.

    (d) Provided further, that for residences, apartments, mobile home parks, and commercial establishments serving six (6) or more families, apartment units, separate or different businesses through a common master meter, the charge shall be $2.31 per 1,000 gallons effective October 2023. In addition to the above, there will be an availability charge per month of $14.00 effective October 2023, per unit.

Note: Huntsville Utilities serves as a billing agent for the City of Huntsville Sewer, the Madison County Water Department, and the City of New Hope water and sewer. If you have any questions regarding their rates or services their offices will need to be contacted.

Effective November 1, 2022

Small Non-Residential Rate, Class 35

Applicable to commercial and industrial customers who establish a maximum daily usage of less than 15,000 cubic feet of natural gas during the previous 12-month billing cycle.

Monthly Charges
Availability Charge Commodity Charge
$20.00 $10.57 per 1,000 cubic feet

Commercial and Industrial Rate, Class 00

Applicable to commercial and industrial customers who establish a maximum daily usage of 15,000 - 49,999 cubic feet of natural gas.

Monthly Charges
Demand Charge Availability Charge Commodity Charge
None $200.00 $9.86 per 1,000 cubic feet

Commercial & Industrial Rate, Class 20

Applicable to commercial and industrial customers who establish a maximum daily usage of 50,000 - 99,000 cubic feet of natural gas.

Monthly Charges
Demand Charge Availability Charge Commodity Charge
None $200.00 $8.93 per 1,000 cubic feet

Commercial & Industrial Rate, Class 25
Applicable to commercial and industrial customers who establish daily usage of > 100,000 cubic feet.

Monthly Charges
Demand Charge Availability Charge Commodity Charge
None $200.00 $8.03 per 1,000 cubic feet

Effective March 2021
Revised & Updated March 16, 2021

Dark Fiber Rate Schedule
Character of Service: 

Dark Fiber Lease within the Distribution Fiber Network or on the Fiber Backbone Ring and Colocation Space leases inside Fiber Huts.  All services require separate Lease Agreement.


“Backbone Fiber” means the fiber route that consists of six distinct segments connecting the six Fiber Huts in a ring configuration.

“City Facility” means any building, facility, or operational site used, managed and operated by the City of Huntsville and used specifically to provide public services.

“Colocation Space” means space leased in a Fiber Hut.

“Distribution Fiber Lateral” means the fiber from a Fiber Hut to the customer demarcation point.

“Drops” means the fiber that connects the demarcation point to the customer premises

“Fiber Hut” means one of the six colocation buildings connected  by the Backbone Fiber.

“High Density/High Volume Distribution Network” means a lease commitment and agreement passing no fewer than 80 Qualifying Addresses per mile of fiber (excluding the Backbone Fiber) or no fewer than 40,000 Qualifying Addresses in total. Qualifying Addresses defined in individual Lease Agreements.  Each Qualifying Address represents either a Multiport Service Terminal (MST) or Network Access Point (NAP) monthly payment.  End points served from this network are subject to a 32:1 split ratio.

“Low Density/Low Volume Distribution Network” means a Lease Commitment and Agreement passing equal to or fewer than 80 Qualifying Addresses per mile of fiber (excluding the Backbone Fiber) or fewer than 40,000 Qualifying Addresses defined in individual Lease Agreements.  This rate is also subject to a minimum of 1,000 Qualifying Addresses.  Each Qualifying Address represents either MST or NAP monthly payment.  End points served from this network are subject to a 32:1 split ratio.


  1. All fiber leases are for dark fiber.
  2. All leases require execution of a Master Lease Agreement between HU and the Lessee. Specific terms and conditions shall be defined therein.
  3. All rates are subject to change and modification as modified from time to time, as approved by the Electric Board of the City of Huntsville.
  4. Leases may accommodate escalation in rates as often as every twelve months based on current CPI.
  5. All leases are subjective to availability of fiber strands on a given route or segment, as determined at HU’s sole discretion.
  6. Lessee is responsible for all costs to connect to existing HU facilities.
  7. Dark Fiber lease rates for education purposes may be discounted.
  8. Leases, or portions thereof, may be prepaid at the sole discretion of Lessor. When a portion or all of the lease is prepaid, the net lease price will be determined at the time of quote and is calculated to set the Net Present Value (NPV) of the annual payment based on the published lease price (with any escalations) to the same as the NPV of the prepayment plus the reduced lease price (with any escalations).

High Density/High Volume Distribution Network 
Connection Location Price per Month
Per MST Port available $5.00
Per NAP Port available $100.00
Backbone Ring Fiber Lease $3,500.00 per fiber

Low Density/Low Volume Distribution Network
Connection Location Price per Month
Per MST Port available $7.00
Per NAP Port available $140.00
Backbone Ring Fiber Lease Calculated as $16,000 less any associated MST or NAP related payment, but in no case less than $3,500, per month.


Entire Backbone Fiber Ring

The splicing points on the backbone fiber are at the Fiber Huts (6 in total). The lease prices do not include colocation space in the Fiber Hut; collocation is quoted separately. The price schedule for leasing the Entire Backbone Fiber Ring is shown in the table below.

Lease Rates for Entire Backbone Fiber Ring
Term Monthly Cost per Strand Annual Cost per Strand
<=3-year $3,500 $42,000
<=5-year $3,220 $38,640
<=10-year $2,893 $34,716
<=20-year $2,450 $29,400
Partial Backbone Fiber

Individual segments of the Backbone Fiber may be leased according to the price schedule shown in the table below.  The splicing points on the backbone fiber are at the Fiber Huts (6 in total). The lease prices do not include colocation space in the Fiber Hut; collocation is quoted separately.  Prices shown are per individual segment from any Fiber Hut to any adjacent Fiber Hut.

Lease Rates per Individual Backbone Fiber Segment
Term Monthly Cost per Strand Annual Cost per Strand
<=3-year $1,175  $14,100
<=5-year $1,080 $12,960
<=10-year $965 $11,580
<=20-year $820 $9,840

Distribution Fiber Lateral Leases

Distribution Fiber Laterals are required to connect the customer demarcation point to the Fiber Hut and may be leased according to the price schedule shown in the table below.

Lease Rates for Distribution Fiber Lateral
Term Monthly Cost per Strand Annual Cost per Strand
<=3-year $400  $4,800
<=5-year $350 $4,200
<=10-year $300 $3,600
<=20-year $250 $3,000


Specific Lease Commitment Price per Month
Number of connections as defined in Lease Agreement (Pending agreement with city) $208,000.00

Facilities including unmanned buildings such as pump stations.  Does not include traffic signals.

Specific Lease Commitment Price per Month
Connection fee

Special Assembly - Allocated Cost per Connection

Number of Connections as defined in Lease Agreement (Pending Agreement with City)

$50.00 per signal


Leased Colocation Space is required for requested to install equipment in a Fiber Hut.  When available, Colocation Space may be leased according to the price schedule shown in the table below. 

Description of Service
Non-Recurring Charge Monthly Recurring Charge
DC Power, Dual Feed    
Full Cabinet with 2.4 kW DC Power $1,500  $1,100
Half Cabinet with 1.2 kW DC Power $1,000 $700
First RU with 1W DC Power $250 $50
Additional RU with 1W DC Power $60 $50
DC Power, Single Feed    
Full Cabinet with 2.4 kW DC Power $1,000  $1,100
Half Cabinet with 1.2 kW DC Power $700 $700
First RU with 1W DC Power $250 $50
Additional RU with 1W DC Power $60 $50
Cross Connects: Inside Colocation Space $150  $150
Entrance Fiber Connection (strand in meet me vault)

($1,200.00 minimum)

($300 minimum)


Commercial & Industrial Services
Huntsville Utilities Administration Building

112 Spragins Street, Huntsville, AL 35801 | Map

Electric, Gas, or Water Service Outages


Main Utilities Numbers

Local: 256-535-1200 | Toll Free: 1-866-478-8845