Customer Care Policies


To outline the specific procedures and guidelines governing all aspects of the collection function of Huntsville Utilities (HU). 
This policy is based on the premise that it shall be the duty and responsibility of HU to maintain customer accounts in such a manner that the investment made in this public power entity owned by the City of Huntsville may be protected and maintained in trust for all past, present, and future citizens and customers and in such a manner that current customers may be protected against possible inequities arising from the failure of persons to pay bills.  

Due Process
Due process shall be offered to customers of HU through the mailing of a Final Notice.  The notice will inform the customer of the amount due, and the date service may be disconnected. Furthermore, customers will be made aware that their account is subject for disconnection and an Account Review Procedure exists and will be furnished upon request.

Maintain Service
HU will provide residential customers an opportunity to maintain utility services by entering and honoring a written repayment agreement (Installment Plan).  This agreement will require a monthly installment amount be paid along with all current monthly charges by the due date.  No additional agreement will be available until the customer’s account is paid in full (zero balance). When a customer signs an Installment Plan, they waive the right to any review concerning the validity of the bill. 

Account Review
The Account Review Procedure will provide customers of HU adequate opportunity for a review, investigation and/or hearing regarding the validity of their bill. It will also offer the opportunity for temporary restoration of service to customers whose claim entitles them to consideration under this procedure. Such restoration of service shall be temporary and for the term of this procedure only.  Customers seeking such relief must agree in writing to firm conditions concerning such temporary restoration and pay all charges not in dispute.  It shall be the responsibility of the customer to produce sufficient documentation to support the validity of their claim. The Final Notice shall provide a minimum of four business days, inclusive of the day of mailing, in which a customer may invoke the Account Review Procedure. Failure to receive a bill does not exempt the customer from payment. 

Original Issue Date: 7/1/21
Review/Revision Date: 6/1/23 (N/C)

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Critical Care

Customers with medical conditions requiring certain types of electrically operated 24/7 home life support equipment may be placed on Huntsville Utilities' (HU) critical care list.
The following conditions may qualify a customer for HU’s critical care list:
•    Tracheotomy patients on breathing machines/respirators
•    Children (under five years) on apnea monitors
•    Patients on home hemodialysis units (water and electric required)
•    Patients on breathing respirators who otherwise would be hospitalized if the equipment were unavailable.

Electrically powered oxygen does not meet the criteria listed above due to the fact that bottled oxygen can be obtained in emergency situations.  All scenarios will be reviewed by HU’ physician to determine if the customer should be placed on the critical care list.  The customer’s medical representative may submit the critical care request form to HU via fax or mail (attention Customer Service Manager).  The critical care request form can be found on HU’ website ( or the customer can request a copy by contacting HU.  The customer will receive a letter notifying them of HU’ decision. 

Being placed on the critical care list does not prevent services from being disconnected due to non-payment of the customer’s monthly utility bill.  When a critical care customer becomes delinquent, HU will attempt to contact the customer by phone, regular and certified mail.  Prior to disconnecting service, the Huntsville Police Department or Madison County Sheriff will be contacted to complete a wellness check.  No guarantee can be made by HU that service(s) will not be interrupted; however, every reasonable effort will be made to prioritize the distribution of the services to our critical care customers.  The customer is responsible for arranging emergency backup devices for their medical equipment in the event of a service outage or disconnection due to non-payment. 

Customers with a delinquent balance will be given the option to make a payment plan in order to maintain their services.  Services already terminated for non-payment will not be reconnected due to a customer being added to the critical care list. 

If the customer must be transferred to another facility during an outage, the Emergency Management Agency (256-427-5130) may be able to provide assistance. 

Critical care customers will be requested to reconfirm the need for continuation on the critical care list every six months to one year. 

Original Issue Date: 5/1/21
Revision/Review Date: 2/28/23 (N/C)

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Customer Billing

To outline the billing cycle and process for all residential or non-residential customers. 
Utility bills will be issued monthly based on the established billing period.  The monthly billing period could vary between 28 and 34 days. The due date presented on the bill will be no less than fifteen days following the bill issue date. Bills that fall due on a weekend or Huntsville Utilities (HU) holiday, will be due the next business day.  Customers may request any available bill from their account, which includes details of their consumption, that has been issued within the last three years. 

Late Fees
If payment is not received by the close of business on the due date listed on the bill, the account will be assessed a late fee.  The late fee will be calculated separately for each service at a rate of five percent for the first $250.00 plus one percent for any remaining balance over $250.00.  The projected late fee for the full bill will be listed on each month’s bill; however, the late fee will be assessed on the balance not paid.   Failure to receive a bill will not release a customer from the payment obligation, nor extend the due date.

Average Monthly Billing
In order to help budget their monthly bills, an Average Monthly Billing (AMB) program is available to qualified and verified non-profit small commercial and residential customers.  Customers on the AMB program will see their monthly payment amount fluctuate based on changes in their consumption. Customers must notify HU if they wish to cancel the AMB program, at which time any unpaid balance will be due in full.  A customer will be removed from the program for failure to pay by their assigned due date.

Due Date Assistance
The Due Date Assistance program was designed to assist customers on a fixed income and provides a fixed due date on the fifth of each month.  The program will allow the customer to pay on or before this date without incurring a penalty.  To qualify, the customer must have a good payment history with HU and their meter must be read by the 20th of each month.  Customers who continually pay their bill late after being placed on the program will be removed.  

Estimated Bill
HU reserves the right to render an estimated bill to the customer on the basis of the best information available if any of the following occur: 
•    HU or its agents are unable to obtain access to the meter during regular business
•    An error occurs in the computation or calibration of the meter
•    HU elects to read meters less frequently than each month to reduce meter reading expenses or due to inclement weather
•    Evidence of meter tampering exists at the location

If subsequent meter readings show the estimated bill was based on an erroneous estimate of consumption, HU will adjust the bill accordingly.   

Seasonal Service
Seasonal service is provided to customers that maintain non-residential service during certain portions of the year for the purpose of operating a farm or cotton gin. Offices, outdoor lighting and other business functions as defined by HU during the account setup or review process are excluded from this rate class. 

Utility Use Tax
All bills will be subject to the Alabama Department of Revenue (ADOR) Sales and Use Tax.  The Sales and Use Tax will be included on each bill unless the customer has obtained a Direct Pay Permit (Form DPP) from the State of Alabama or a current tax exemption (Form STE-3).  It is the sole obligation of the customer to notify HU immediately of any change(s) to their tax status.

Collective Billing
Non-residential customers who have multiple accounts in the same name may request to have their invoicing consolidated into one collective billing statement.  This ensures all bills have one due date and payment each month that covers all accounts.  To qualify, the customer must have at least five individual accounts and all accounts must have a zero balance. All collective billing statements will have a fixed due date that corresponds with their billing cycle.    

Billing Adjustments/Corrections
In the event of faulty equipment, inaccurate reading or other error, adjustments to a customer’s account may be made.  Records must be maintained detailing the reason for the adjustment and providing a corrected bill calculation. Failure to adjust inaccurate retail readings for a particular customer amounts to a special concession for that customer, the cost of which is unfairly paid by all other rate payers.   While HU may adjust fees, penalties or miscellaneous charges, amounts based on metered consumption may not be altered unless they are due to a billing or metering error.  In the event of a billing or metering error HU will adjust the customer’s bill accordingly (Alabama Code Section 37-8-22).  Any additional billing or credits will be made to the appropriate account(s) for a maximum period of thirty-six months. This practice is followed for all types of billing discrepancies based on the statute of limitations outlined in the State of Alabama for a revolving account. 

The three-year statute of limitations; however, does not apply in cases of diversion or theft. In cases where a party fraudulently or criminally obtains goods or services, HU would collect for all services consumed by the customer without regard to the three-year statute of limitations.  

In the event of an underground or concealed water leak resulting in a water/sewer bill that exceeds the average monthly consumption, the water and subsequent sewer billing may be adjusted.  All water consumption above the average for the proceeding three months will be charged at the current residential-inside city limits lowest tier rate. In accordance with City of Huntsville guidelines, all excess sewer charges above the average will be adjusted off.   Only one adjustment will be permitted during a one-year period and shall not exceed three months without approval from the Customer Service Director. Furthermore, if such leak or waste occurs in a fixture or if it shall be otherwise visible or audible or known to the consumer, a bill or charge for the full water/sewer shall be rendered.  (City of Huntsville ordinance Sec 26-632) 

City of Huntsville Water Pollution Control will issue a sewer credit for pool fillings that meet all necessary requirements.  Only one credit per calendar year will be issued.  For consideration, customers must complete and submit the Swimming Pool Credit Form along with all required documentation.  Once approved, the credit will show on the next utility invoice.  This credit does not apply to HU customers outside of the City of Huntsville jurisdiction. 

Original Issue Date: 7/1/21
Revision Date: 12/1/21

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Disconnection of Service

To outline the circumstances and/or conditions that could result in a customer's service for electric, water or gas being disconnected. 
Failure to Pay
Failure to pay, setup an Installment Plan or honor a prior written agreement to pay bills due to Huntsville Utilities (HU) can result in service being disconnected. In addition, checks, drafts or credit card payments returned on the customer account will be subject to a return item fee and disconnection.  HU will provide reasonable notice to customers by mailing a Final Notice.  When available, notices will be provided to customers via text message or email.  The notice will inform the customer that an Account Review Procedure is available.  Following notification, if payment is not received or satisfactory arrangement to pay is not made by the date on the notification, service(s) will be disconnected.  Failure to receive a final notice does not relieve the customer of the obligation to pay.  

Disconnection (Customer Request)
Once a customer has met their contractual obligation they may request that service be disconnected or transferred to another premise.  Request may be made online, in person or over the phone.  The customer must provide at least one business day notice to the effect unless the contract specifies otherwise.  In some circumstances, notice to terminate electric service prior to the expiration of the contract term will not relieve the customer from any minimum or guaranteed payment under contract or applicable rate schedule. 

Compliance/Safety Hazard
HU may terminate service if the customer prevents HU from obtaining reasonable access to HU equipment, violation of and/or noncompliance with HU rules/policies and failure of the customer to fulfill their contractual obligations for service.  The following is a general guideline or list of reasons for which service may be suspended without notice: 
•.    HU has determined a hazardous condition exists on the customer’s premise.  In the event services were disconnected due to a hazardous condition through no fault of the customer, the reconnect fee will not apply.
•    The customer is utilizing equipment in such a manner as to adversely affect HU equipment or HU’s service to others.
•    Someone tampered with the equipment or meters furnished by HU.
•    Unauthorized usage or the appearance of unauthorized usage of HU service has occurred.
•    A signed mandate or order from a municipality, county, law enforcement and/or court of competent jurisdiction over the location where the service is provided.

Extreme Temperatures
Customers will not be disconnected for non-payment during cases of extreme temperatures (high or low) based on the following criteria.  

During extreme weather conditions, when the National Weather Service forecasts temperatures below 32 degrees or over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, a HU representative will visit customers whose service is set to be terminated in an attempt to collect any delinquent charges. (Note: Fees will be placed on the customer’s next bill for this attempt.)  The customer’s service will not be terminated for non-payment until weather conditions improve.  Disconnections postponed due to extreme weather will be resumed when weather permits, and no further notification will be provided.  Services already terminated for non-payment will not be reconnected due to extreme weather. 

Significant Weather Events
During significant weather, such as tornadoes, winter storms or other events resulting in widespread power outages throughout the HU service area, management may elect to suspend service disconnections.  This will be solely at management’s discretion.  Contributing factors will include the number of customers experiencing service outages, the amount of damage to system infrastructure and estimated recovery time.

Management may elect to reconnect any customers disconnected on the day of extreme weather for services disconnected prior to the suspension decision. 

Disconnections postponed due to significant weather will be resumed when weather permits. 

Service to a customer’s premise will be reconnected once the customer has paid the outstanding balance in full. Residential customers will be reconnected on a best effort basis anytime and commercial customers will be reconnected the next business day. The customer will be charged a reconnection fee based on the current HU Customer Service Fee schedule.  
In the event of an abnormality, or uncertainty regarding the account, HU may authorize a temporary reconnection until 12:00 p.m. the next business day so customer service personnel can review the situation.  

Reconnection fees and other service charges may apply for services disconnected with or without notice.  Additional fees will be assessed for any after-hours reconnects or returned items. A list of potential service charges will be made available on HU’s website.  

Lack of Service Restoration/Setup
No member of the customer’s family, or anyone else living in the house or building or on such property with the consumer where services were cut off shall have the right to make or offer to make a deposit for services, or to demand that HU turn on the services at such place, so long as the delinquent customer lives in the house or on the property and the bill or charges, plus a reasonable charge for turning on and off the service, is paid.  

Original Issue Date: 7/1/21

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Establishing Service

To outline the requirements of establishing service with Huntsville Utilities (HU) for the purpose of residential or non-residential use. 
To establish utility service with HU or any of the third party agencies served by HU.  The prospective customer must comply with the following requirements: 

•    Applicant must be at least nineteen years of age (unless emancipated, married, divorced, widowed, etc.) and complete an application for service.
•    Applicant(s) applying for utility service under an individual name must provide two forms of legal identification, one of which must be a photo identification issued by a governmental entity.  If the applicant applies for service online, a third-party credit agency may be used to provide ID verification.
•    Service established under a corporate name must complete all required contracts and agreements and provide all required documentation for the legal entity, i.e., Certificate of Incorporation, W9, State of Alabama Certificate, Partnership Agreement, etc.
•    Service must be established in the name of the legal occupant(s) of the property, i.e., the owner, legal tenant, or their legal representative.  Service provided in the name of a deceased person(s) must be changed to the name of the current legal occupant of the property or the Estate.  HU may disconnect service if the account records are not updated to include the current legal occupant within thirty (30) days of receiving written notice from HU.
•    Provide a security deposit for each service as outlined in the Customer Deposit Policy.
•    The location at which service is requested must comply with all applicable safety rules and regulations.  Any property with more than twelve (12) months without an active electric or gas service must pass inspection prior to HU reactivating the service.
•    Applicant must be in good standing with HU and may be denied service if any unpaid bill and/or charges are owed for utility service.  When outstanding charges exist, no member of the customer’s family or anyone else living with the consumer in the house, building or on such property where services were cut off shall have the right to make or offer to make deposit for services or to demand that HU turn on the services so long as the delinquent customer lives in the house or occupies the property.  (Sec 26-107, 26-431, 26-647)

Service(s) may be transferred from one location to another within the HU service area.  A service charge will be assessed to each account for transferring service.  Customers requesting a transfer may be required to pay any outstanding account balances and/or upgrade the security deposit as outlined in the Customer Deposit Policy.  

Customers requiring electric service on a temporary basis may be required by HU to pay all costs for connection and disconnection incidentals to set up and remove service (Sec. 26-85).  A temporary service pole may be required in order to establish service.  If applicable, HU may provide the temporary service pole but will require the customer complete a Temporary Pole Contract, which outlines the rental charge, service charge, installation/removal requirements and pay a refundable damage deposit. 

HU does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, age, sex, marital status, mental or physical handicap in access to or operation of, its programs, services, and/or activities. 

Original Issue Date: 5/1/21
Revision/Review Date: 2/28/23 (N/C)

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Identity Theft Prevention

To establish an Identity Theft Prevention Program (Program) that will reduce the risk of identity theft and fraud and maintain compliance with the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACT Act). 
Huntsville Utilities (HU) is subject to administrative enforcement of the FACT Act by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).  The FTC requires development and implementation of a written program that is designed to detect, prevent, and mitigate identity theft in connection with the opening of a covered account or maintaining any existing covered account.  HU will determine the scope of our program by conducting a risk assessment of how customer accounts are opened, how customers are provided access to their accounts, and our previous experiences with identity theft. 

Administration of the Program:
1. Privacy Committee - The Senior Vice President of Customer Care shall establish a Privacy Committee (Committee), and appoint the Customer Services Manager (CSM) to serve as the Privacy Officer and chair the Committee.  The Privacy Officer will coordinate Committee meetings, prepare an annual report for Executive Management, respond to audits, and any other activities to assure compliance with this policy.  Additional members of the committee shall be chosen by the head of the representative departments and will at a minimum include representatives from Customer Relations, Information Technology, and Human Resources.

The Committee will conduct an annual risk assessment.  Results of the risk assessment will aid in development or update of written operations standards and procedures that incorporate processes to ensure compliance with the FACT Act, including: 

a.    Annual training of applicable employees.
b.    Identifying and documenting relevant red flags of identity theft that may occur in our day-to-day operations. Red Flags are suspicious patterns, practices, or specific activities that indicate the possibility of identity theft.
c.    Detecting when the identified red flags exist.
d.    Responding appropriately to any red flags that are detected.
e.    Creating documentation of suspected identity theft activity.
f.    Retaining documentation in compliance with established HU Record Retention Policies, Standards, and Procedures.
g.    Updating the Program periodically to reflect changes in risks to customers and HU.

The Committee convenes as needed, a minimum of once annually, to review and update the existing standards and procedures, study suspected and confirmed identity theft activity to determine changes in risks, and approve the report that will be presented to members of Executive Management and/or the CEO.  The report should include an evaluation of the effectiveness of the standards and procedures, significant incidents involving identity theft and management’s response, and recommendations for material changes to the program. 

2.    Management – It is the responsibility of HU management to ensure compliance with this policy by providing the policy to their applicable employees and scheduling them for annual training.  Each manager is responsible for immediately reporting suspected incidents of identity theft to the Privacy Officer. 

3.    Employees - All employees of HU, including part-time and temporary personnel, are responsible for adherence to this policy.  Applicable employees must attend annual training as scheduled by their manager. Employees should immediately report suspected incidents of identity theft to their supervisor. 

4.    Third Parties – Requirements for third parties (vendors, consultants, contractors, or others with service agreements) utilized by HU are documented in financial management, information technology, and governance policies, standards, and procedures.

Original Issue Date: 10/25/08
Revision Dates: 3/14, 3/15, 10/1/21 (N/C)

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Limited English Proficiency

Huntsville Utilities (HU) has developed this Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan to identify reasonable steps for providing language assistance to persons with LEP who wish to access services provided.
The plan has been prepared in accordance with Title VI of the Civil rights Act of 1964, U.S.C. 2000d, et seq., and Executive Order 13166 and its implementing regulations, which state that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin. 

This policy outlines how to identify communities or groups who may need language assistance, the ways in which assistance may be provided, staff training that may be required and how to notify LEP persons that assistance is available. HU considers the following factors in the development of this policy: 

1.    The number or proportion of LEP persons in the service area who may be served or are likely to encounter HU for utility service.
2.    The nature and importance of programs, activities or services provided by HU to the LEP population.
3.    The resources available to HU and overall cost to provide LEP assistance.

Meaningful Access Analysis
1.    Using the most recent census data, HU analyzes the number or proportion of LEP persons in the service area who may be served or are likely to encounter HU for utility service, and determines the appropriate languages for translating. While driven by percentages, this decision may be based on other activities in the area, such as a larger than normal increase in the number of LEP population that requires services.
2.    HU provides water, gas and electric services to areas in Madison County and parts of Limestone and Marshall County, AL.  All residents/businesses within our service territory use our services including those that have LEP.
3.    The main resource utilized is an interpretation service available as an option, over the telephone, for customers needing assistance. HU also translates necessary documents and the requirements for service.

Language Assistance Measures
A person who does not speak English as their primary language and who has a limited ability to read, write, speak or understand English may be an LEP person and may be entitled to language assistance with respect to HU services. Language assistance can include interpretation, which means oral or spoken transfer of a message from one language into another language and/or translation, which means the written transfer of a message from one language into another language. HU will normally utilize interpretation services since the primary contact will be during the application for services. 

HU utilizes the interpretation services based on the need expressed by the individual. HU utilizes Language Identification Flashcards as developed by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, U.S. Census Bureau. These flashcards are available at the front desk of our lobbies in the two customer locations and a notice is posted in English and Spanish at each location of their availability. 

1.    Formal Interpreters - HU employs telephone interpretation services as the main source of formal interpreters to assist customers with application for service.
2.    Informal Interpreters - Informal interpreters may include the family members, friends, legal guardians, service representatives or advocates of the LEP customer. HU staff will determine whether it is appropriate to rely on informal interpreters, depending upon the circumstances and subject matter of the communication. However, in many circumstances, informal interpreters, especially children, are not competent to provide quality and accurate interpretations. There may be issues of confidentiality, competency or conflict of interest. These informal interpreters will be used on a case by case basis. An LEP person may use an informal interpreter of his or her own choosing and at their expense, either in place or as a supplement to the free telephone translation services HU offers.
3.    Outside Resources - Outside resources may include community volunteers and may be used at public or informal meetings or events.

Translation of Documents
HU application requirements are available in Spanish.  HU translates other customer service and marketing related documents into Spanish as well.  For example, each month a bill insert is distributed with information about services offered by HU, this document is translated and made available on our website.  The following is a list of documents that will be translated into a second language based on the most recent census data at this time: 
•    Signs at Application Desk to Sign In, Pay bill, Phone Numbers
•    Customer Service Programs
•    Identification Documents Required for Application
•    Eligibility Requirements for Service
•    Utility Assistance Agencies
•    Payment Envelope
•    Rates
•    Customer Service Fees
•    Energy Saving Tips
•    Door Hangers
•    Heating/Cooling Degree Day Information
•    Any Health and Safety Items that are distributed in Monthly Bill Inserts
•    Monthly Bill Inserts 

HU takes the measures outlined above and may take additional measures as needed.

Staffing Training
To ensure all employees who may have contact with LEP individuals are properly trained, HU will provide periodic training on this policy and any related procedures.  Those who may have contact with LEP individuals should receive refresher training at least once every two years.  Records of all LEP training must be forwarded to Human Resources and retained in accordance with the established records retention schedule.  

Monitoring and Updating
This plan is designed to be flexible and should be viewed as work in progress. As such, it is important to consider whether new document and services need to be made accessible for LEP persons. HU monitors changes in demographics and types of services and updates the LEP Plan as necessary during annual reviews. 

Original Issue Date: 2/15/13 (Former 9-02)
Revision/Review Dates: 2/28/23 (N/C)

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Meter Tampering or Unauthorized Use of Service

To ensure the recovery of damages and lost revenue from anyone that interferes or tampers with a meter, who knowingly diverts utility service or otherwise uses electric, water or gas services without authorization.   
Unauthorized access to the meter installation or metering equipment may pose a physical danger to the customer and result in a loss of revenue for the company.  As outlined in Alabama Code, § 13A-8-23, a utility may recover damages/cost from any person who knowingly interferes with any meter or other device belonging to the utility, who knowingly diverts utility services or who intentionally and without authorization uses utility service.   

Huntsville Utilities (HU) will bill the customer of record or anyone who benefited from utility tampering or diversion if it is determined tampering or unauthorized usage occurred.  HU will investigate and take appropriate action regarding any reported utility tampering or diversion of service.   

Utility tampering or diversion includes, but is not limited to, the following: 

•    Open valves at the curb or meter that was turned off by HU personnel.
•    Breaking, picking or damaging cutoff locks or seals.
•    Bypassing utility meters in any way.
•    Removing, disabling or adjusting utility meters or registers.
•    Moving utility meter from one location to another.
•    Use of a metering device from another system or HU location.
•    Taking unmetered water from hydrants by anyone other than authorized personnel.
•    Any act of defacement, destruction or vandalism to HU property or any other act that affects the functionality of HU property.
•    Any intentional blockage or obstruction of HU equipment.
•    Altering, injuring or preventing the action of a meter, valve, stopcock, or other instrument used for measuring or controlling quantities of electricity, gas or water.
•    Use of a device to pick or otherwise tamper with the locks used to deter meter tampering, meter diversion, electric current diversion, gas diversion or water diversion.

Accounts found with a cut meter seal with no evidence of unauthorized use of service or additional damage to HU property will be notified in writing of the discovery, the dangers involved with unauthorized entry into such installation and the fees for any future occurrences.  Accounts with a second or subsequent cut meter seal will be charged a fee for inspecting and securing the meter.  Any damages to the meter(s) will be billed to the customer of record. 

Accounts found with evidence of unauthorized use of service will be billed for actual or estimated usage along with all applicable fees for tampering and/or damaged or stolen equipment.  HU may exercise its rights to pursue civil or criminal charges as provided under applicable Alabama Law.   

Damages that cause a safety hazard or compromise the integrity of the system will be immediately disconnected.  The customer of record will be notified if any metering installation or customer property needs to be repaired and inspected.  Service will not be reinstated until the noted condition has been corrected and all cost of tampering or unauthorized usage has been paid in full.  

If HU discovers utility tampering and consumption after the meters are turned off, the property owner or management company may be responsible for any usage and associated fees if they cannot provide adequate proof of tenant occupancy.  If adequate proof of occupancy is provided, the tenant will be held liable for usage and fees.   

Cost associated with utility consumption will not be waived.  However, HU may waive any administrative or tampering fees if there is clear and convincing evidence that the customer of record or owner of the property had no knowledge of the tampering activity.  Such disputes will be evaluated by the responsible Supervisor and approved by the Customer Operations Manager.  Utility consumption charges will not be waived and are the responsibility of the customer of record or owner of the property.  

Original Issue Date: 11/1/03 (former Tampering and Unauthorized Use of Services) 
Revision Date: 7/5/23 

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Non-Residential Security Deposits

To mitigate the financial risk associated with providing utility services to our customers recognizing all utility services are paid in arrears after the customer has consumed the service
All non-residential (commercial and industrial) customers are subject to providing a satisfactory security deposit before service will be established.  Acceptable forms of security may be cash, Surety Bond or Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit.  Security Deposits are non-transferrable.  For information on cash deposit interest, refer to the Deposit Interest Policy (FM-02).    

Deposit amount determination:  The security deposit shall be an amount equal to two times the average monthly usage (or anticipated usage) for the service address, rounded up to the next $50.00.

•    Existing business or facility, operating under a new owner, will pay a deposit based on two times the average month’s usage over the past 36 months.
•    New business or facility will pay a deposit based on two times the average month’s projected usage.  The projected usage will be based on load information provided by the customer/contractor.
•    Contractors requiring temporary permanent (Temp/Perm) service for a new facility will pay a deposit based on the average month’s projected usage.  The projected usage will be based on load information provided by the customer/contractor.
•    Additional service or load added to an existing account may require additional funds being applied to the existing security deposit.  If required, the additional deposit will be based on two times the average usage for the new load.  This must be paid before a new service connection will be established.
•    Exceptions may be made when an existing facility’s usage will vary significantly from its historical usage, Huntsville Utilities (HU) management and/or engineering staff may establish a reasonable deposit based on the new expected usage or load information.  

Customers with multiple accounts may establish a master deposit sufficient to cover the estimated usage of all active accounts.  Should an account become delinquent, HU may transfer the delinquent balance to another account or use the master deposit to recover any amounts owed by the customer.  Should this occur, the customer would be required to post additional security on every account for which that customer is responsible.  
The deposit balance, as well as the adequacy of the deposit on hand, shall be reviewed periodically, but not less than every five years, to ensure an adequate deposit remains on file for all covered accounts. 

If HU determines the customer’s deposit is insufficient, the customer will be notified in writing.  If the customer fails to provide additional security within 60 days, HU will place the required deposit amount on the customer’s monthly bill.  

If a notice of cancellation is received for a Surety Bond, Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit, the customer will be notified that replacement security must be obtained within 30 days.  If the customer fails to provide adequate security, any outstanding deposit owed will be placed on the customer’s monthly bill.    

In the event an outstanding deposit has been placed on the customer’s bill, any partial payment will be applied first to the outstanding deposit amount and then to the remaining billed services.  Therefore, if the customer fails to provide funds sufficient to cover the full amount billed (including any required deposit), the account may be subject to disconnection.  

Customer Care may establish reduced temporary deposits when service(s) are required for a temporary condition such as cleaning, inspection, showing or construction.  The temporary deposit shall be set to cover the expected usage during the abbreviated period.  Any excess payment will be returned to the customer upon service disconnection.  To qualify for the reduced deposit an appropriate form must be completed by the customer or his/her authorized representative. 

Original Issue Date: 3/2/92 
Revision Date: 4/1/22 

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Payment for Services

To outline the various payment methods and options available to our customers.
Huntsville Utilities (HU) accepts customer payments through various methods, i.e., mail, in-person, bank draft, drop boxes, self-service kiosk, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and authorized agents.  When making a payment in-person, the customer shall be provided a receipt for payment.   

Residential and small commercial (GSA1) customers may elect to pay their bill by cash, check, bank draft, EFT, credit/debit card or money order.  

Large commercial (GSA2, GSA3) and industrial customers may pay by cash, check, money order, EFT or bank draft.   

During normal business hours, payment made by cash, check or money order may be made at HU Spragins building via the kiosk or at an HU drive-thru location.  Outside of HU normal office hours, payments may be made using any self-service kiosk, online at My Account, by phone or using the HU Mobile App.  Payments made through one of these channels will be posted immediately to the customer account.  Self-service kiosks are available at a variety of locations with many available 24/7 for customer use.  

Customers may also pay at over fifty Western Union bill pay locations or various drop boxes located throughout our service area.  Payments made through these options may take up to two business days to process. Customers subject to disconnection for non-payment should not use these payment options. 

Bank draft is available as a one-time payment or monthly recurring payment upon authorization by the customer.  One-time drafts will be processed immediately; however, recurring monthly drafts will occur on the bill due date.  Customers can manage this service and make changes to bank account details online using My Account.   

Payments received on the scheduled disconnection date may not be presented in sufficient time to cancel the scheduled disconnect or to prevent the assessment of applicable fees or service charges. 

Customers who have three returned drafts/checks or credit/debit card payments within a twelve month period will be restricted to cash, money order or certified funds only for a period of at least six months. 

Customers who have a credit or debit card charge returned due to fraud will be restricted from using this method of payment in the future.    

All credit/debit card payments are processed by a third-party vendor and subject to an additional convenience fee. 

When processing payments, errors or discrepancies may occur.  Therefore, if a discrepancy should occur, the Payment Processing Representative and Supervisor will use every means possible to research, identify and correct the error.  When necessary, the Supervisor will correct the customer’s account accordingly and notify the customer by phone or in writing.   

Payment discrepancies that cannot be identified will be a documented outage and recorded as a(n) overage/shortage during the closeout process.     

Original Issue Date: 10/1/21 (formerly part of Customer Care Manual) 

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Rates and Charges

To ensure the recovery of costs associated with providing electric, water and gas service to our customers.     
Rates for all services shall be comprised of a fixed rate or availability fee and commodity charge based on consumption.  The Board, City Council and TVA shall approve all rates for electricity furnished by Huntsville Utilities (HU).  Usage rates for electricity will vary monthly based on the Fuel Cost Adjustment (FCA), which is set and determined by TVA.  Electric rates also fluctuate seasonally according to rate schedules approved by TVA.  Water rates must be approved by the Board and City Council.  Due to dynamic pricing, gas rates require only Board approval.  

All rates for electric, water and gas are available at our office and online at the HU website.  Rates will be updated as frequently as they change.  Any rate changes initiated by HU will be communicated to the public through HU’s website. 

The residential rate shall apply only to a single-family dwelling and its appurtenances where the major use of electricity is for domestic purposes such as lighting, household appliances, and the personal comfort and convenience of those residing therein.  (A single-family dwelling will include an individually metered single-family apartment and an individually metered residential duplex unit.)  

If the majority of the energy supplied to a dwelling is regularly used to conduct business, the energy consumed in that portion will be separately metered and billed under the General Power Rate-Schedule GSA.  If the Customer does not provide separate circuits, service to the entire premise shall be billed under the General Power Rate-Schedule GSA.   

It is mandatory for the customer to notify HU of any change in use or conditions that may affect their rate classification or HU infrastructure.   

Should HU determine that any account is not being served under the proper Rate Schedule, HU will apply the proper Rate Schedule in accordance with their consumption and/or business activity.   

HU is the billing agent for several third-party providers such as the City of Huntsville, City of Madison, City of New Hope and Madison County.  Rates for services are established and approved by the appropriate governing body.

Miscellaneous Charges
The customer shall be responsible for the additional cost of services as established under the Customer Service Fee Schedule.  Charges may include but are not limited to fees to collect, connect or reconnect service, disconnecting service for non-pay or at the customer’s request, returned items or insufficient funds, cut seals, meter test, rereads or field audits.  Higher charges may apply for services performed outside of normal office hours, holidays or weekends.  A list of potential service charges is available on HU’s website.

Charges for Temporary Service
Customers requiring service on a temporary basis will be required to pay all costs for connection and disconnection incidental to supplying and removing service.  Infrastructure may be required in order to establish temporary service.  If so, the customer will be required to complete a contract.  A rental charge, service charge, installation/removal fee and refundable deposit may be required.  This rule applies to circuses, carnivals, fairs, temporary construction, and the like.    

Original Issue Date: 10/1/21 (formerly part of Customer Care Manual) 

Click here for PDF version.

Residential Security Deposits

To mitigate the financial risk associated with providing utility services to our customers recognizing all utility services are paid in arrears after the customer has consumed the service.   
All residential customers are subject to providing a satisfactory security deposit before service will be established.  A deposit or suitable guarantee of a standard amount not exceeding twice the average (previous or anticipated) bill may be required.   For information on deposit interest, refer to the Deposit Interest Policy (FM-02).  The deposit balance, as well as the adequacy of the deposit amount, may be reviewed by HU as necessary.

Deposit amount determination:  A standard residential deposit is $300.00 and is required for each established account unless the applicant meets one of the following conditions: 

•    Existing customer that has had service with Huntsville Utilities (HU) within the previous thirty-six (36) months and maintained an excellent payment history (no past due letters, notices, non-pay disconnects, returned checks/drafts or any outstanding HU debts) will pay a $100.00 security deposit.
•    Previous HU customer (within the last five years) with an excellent payment history (no past due letters, disconnections from non-payment, returned checks/drafts or any outstanding HU debt) for the last three years of the five-year time frame will pay a $100 security deposit.
•    New customers who apply online and receive an excellent credit score from our third-party credit-reporting agency will pay a $100.00 security deposit.
•    New or previous customers that provide a properly executed Guarantee of Account will pay a$100.00 security deposit.  The Guarantor must have an active account with HU with an excellent payment history for the preceding thirty-six (36) months.

Previous customers with an outstanding debt owed currently or within the past seven years will pay a $300.00 deposit or an amount not exceeding two times the average bill at the location where service will be provided, whichever is greater.  This deposit will be retained for the life of the account.  The applicant may be required to pay or setup an agreement to pay any outstanding debt prior to establishing service.

An existing customer who makes a request to transfer service from one location to another may be required to adjust their security deposit based on the criteria outlined in this policy. 

An existing customer who files for bankruptcy will be required to open a new account and provide a deposit based on the above guidelines and as outlined in Bankruptcy Code Section 366 (b).  

After maintaining service for three consecutive years with an excellent payment history, $200.00 of the $300.00 will be credited to the customer account.  

Original Issue Date: 3/2/92 
Revision Date: 4/1/22 

Click here for PDF version

Service Standards and Regulations

To ensure service is provided in a safe and reliable manner.
Point of Delivery
The point of delivery is the point, as designated by Huntsville Utilities (HU) on the customer’s premise where electric power is delivered to a home or building.  All wiring and equipment beyond this point of delivery (except by special written agreement) shall be installed, owned, and maintained by the customer. Customer shall provide adequate right-of-way, as determined by HU, for extension of service from HU’ existing facilities to the point of delivery.  HU shall not be liable for accidents or damages that occur on Customer’s equipment or facilities located beyond the delivery point.

Single Point of Delivery
If service is supplied to the same customer through more than one point of delivery or at different voltages/pressures, the supply of service at each delivery and metering point and at each different voltage/pressure shall be separately metered and billed.   

Customer Wiring
As exemplified by the requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code and National Electrical Code, all customer wiring must conform to HU requirements and standards.  These standards are subject to change based on safety requirements and best practice.  

HU employees (including contractors) shall have safe and convenient access to customer property at all reasonable times for the purpose of reading meters, testing, repairing, removing, exchanging or otherwise operating or maintaining any or all equipment belonging to HU.  If a customer has a locked gate on their property HU would need to go through to read/access the meter, the customer can provide HU with the combination or a key.  Failure to provide access could result in additional charges and/or fees. 

All meters, service connections and other equipment furnished by HU, shall be, and remain the property of HU. Customers shall provide a space for and exercise proper care to protect the property of HU on their premise. In addition, in the event of loss or damage to HU’s property arising from customer neglect, the customer shall pay the cost of the necessary repairs or replacement.  

An inspection or Certificate of Occupancy (CO) may be required before service can be established.  If the inspection or CO was issued more than 90-days prior to the service request, electric service, including the entrance cable shall be inspected to the main breaker for assurance there are no safety risks or issues.  

New, updated or altered electrical work (with no evidence of inspection) shall be reported to the appropriate Inspection Department for approval/release prior to service being energized. 

Any non-code electrical work observed by HU crews, whether an inspection or CO has been issued or not, shall not be energized until inspected or approved by the appropriate Inspection Department or HU authority.  

Evidence of meter tampering, unauthorized access or altered electrical work shall be reported to the Supervisor immediately.  HU Accounts Investigator or other personnel shall inspect, document and secure all evidence of tampering/unauthorized usage.  Damages or altered wiring that compromise the integrity of the meter installation or pose a safety hazard shall be disconnected immediately and the customer of record or owner notified.  Service shall not be reinstated until the noted condition(s) has been corrected to the satisfaction of HU and all inspections, applicable cost and fees received.  

If electric service was cut at the pole at the request of HU and none of the conditions above exists, no inspection is needed for service restoration.

If HU observes a service problem and confirms an immediate danger, service may be disconnected.  HU’ actions do not remove the liability of the customer. 

Interruption/Allocation of Service
HU will use reasonable diligence in supplying electric, water and gas services but shall not be liable for breach of contract in the event of, or for loss, injury or by negligence. HU may also have to allocate the amount of electricity, water or gas that is made available to HU’ customer due to an emergency or other event causing a shortage.  

Fluctuations in Voltage
Electric services must not be used in such a manner as to cause unusual fluctuations or disturbances to HU’ system.  HU may require any customers causing fluctuations in voltage to install a suitable apparatus, at their own expense, which will reasonably limit fluctuations. 

Because HU equipment has load restrictions, customer must notify HU of any changes or additions in load and receive HU approval for these changes.  Failure to provide notification and obtain approval may render the customer liable for any damage to lines or equipment caused by the additional or changed installation.

Standby/Resale Service
All purchased electric service (other than emergency or standard service) used on the premises of each HU customer shall be supplied exclusively by HU, and customer shall not, directly or indirectly, sell, sublet, assign, or otherwise dispose of the electric service or any part thereof.    

The permission and consent of the city and HU is required for any person having charge or control of any hydrant or water pipe connected to the water system to allow or permit any other person to habitually take, draw or use any water from the hydrant or water pipe as the other person’s primary source of water.

Trouble Notification
Customers should notify HU immediately if their service is unsatisfactory for any reason, or if there are issues caused by defects, trouble or accidents affecting the supply of services.  

Service Installation
Customers shall pay the cost of any installation or infrastructure  necessary to meet their requirements according to the System Development Cost Recovery Policy (FM-16). 

Original Issue Date: 10/1/21 (formerly part of Customer Care Manual) 

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Huntsville Utilities Administration Building

112 Spragins Street, Huntsville, AL 35801 | Map

Electric, Gas, or Water Service Outages


Main Utilities Numbers

Local: 256-535-1200 | Toll Free: 1-866-478-8845