Excessive Heat Warning Until 8pm!

The National Weather Service in Huntsville has issued an Excessive Heat Warning for our area until 8:00pm this evening. 

Heat indexes of 112 are possible. 

Customers are advised to remember the following tips for keeping energy use (and costs) down:
--Use fans (ceiling fans should spin counter-clockwise)
--Close curtains/blinds on windows facing the sun
--Set thermostats as high as is comfortable (do not put your health at risk)
--Keep outer doors closed as much as possible
--Keep AC filters clean
--Avoid using heat generating appliances (like dishwashers and ovens/stoves) during the heat of the day.

Time outdoors should be kept to a minimum. If you have to be outside, please remember:
--Dress in light colored, loose fitting clothing
--Drink plenty of water (take water with you if outdoors)
--Take frequent breaks
--Do not leave children or pets in vehicles
--Avoid strenuous activity during the hottest part of the day

National Weather Service graphic showing an Excessive Heat Warning for northwest and north central Alabama, and a heat advisory for northeast Alabama and southern middle Tennessee. Heat indexes of 112 are possible in the warning area and 108 in the advisory area. The remains in effect until 8pm on Friday, August 25, 2023.
Huntsville Utilities Administration Building

112 Spragins Street, Huntsville, AL 35801 | Map

Electric, Gas, or Water Service Outages


Main Utilities Numbers

Local: 256-535-1200 | Toll Free: 1-866-478-8845