TVA Initiates Emergency Load Curtailment Program (UPDATED)

UPDATED - 10:30am December 24
Tennessee Valley Authority has ended Curtailment Step 50 (Mandatory Load Reduction). No further rolling blackouts are planned at this time.

If you are still without power, please report it immediately to 256-53-LIGHT (256-535-4448).

Huntsville Utilities is in continuous contact with TVA as we continue to monitor the weather.

Voluntary Load Curtailment is still in effect. Business and residential customers are asked to please limit electric use to essential appliances and to set their thermostats to as low as is comfortable. Limiting electric use during this time will lessen the chances of TVA re-initiating Curtailment Step 50. We appreciate your cooperation.

UPDATED - SAT (DEC 24, 2022)

Due to the continued increased demand on the electric system caused by the extremely cold temperatures, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has initiated Step 50 of its Emergency Load Curtailment Program. Step 50 requires mandatory electric load reduction.
Step 50 Curtailment impacts all 153 local power companies of TVA across the entire Tennessee Valley. The forthcoming intermittent power outages will occur across the Huntsville Utilities service area in approximately 30min intervals. All customers in HU’s service area could be affected.
Customers are still asked to continue voluntary curtailment by limiting their electric use to essential items only.


Friday - December 23, 2022 - 8:30am

Due to dangerously low temperatures forecast throughout the Tennessee Valley Authority service area and the expected high electric demand expected on their system, TVA has initiated voluntary curtailment across their entire system.

In VOLUNTARY curtailment, customers are asked to reduce their electric consumption by turning off unneeded lights and by not using major appliances (ovens, washing machines, washers and dryers, etc.).

TVA is forecasting temperatures below freezing through Monday.

This page of our website lists ways you can stay warm while saving energy, as well as cold weather safety tips:
Huntsville Utilities appreciates the assistance of its customers during this time.
Huntsville Utilities Administration Building

112 Spragins Street, Huntsville, AL 35801 | Map

Electric, Gas, or Water Service Outages


Main Utilities Numbers

Local: 256-535-1200 | Toll Free: 1-866-478-8845