New Homes Program

The Huntsville Utilities New Homes Program acts as a Third Party for local inspection departments verifying Alabama Energy Code compliance. 



Huntsville Utilities verifies energy code compliance for builders through the Energy Rating Index Method, (ERI). This path to code compliance offers flexibility and allows for a simplified process. Program requirements include: A rough-in inspection, a computer modeled index score of 70 or better, a structural air infiltration measurement and duct leakage testing. Processes are managed by HERS raters and verified through a third party provider. 

Builders who adhere to the standards shown below, are likely to achieve the required index score and comply to duct blaster and blower door requirements. 

Builders who do not follow all these components due to design issues, may request a preliminary rating so that trade-off options can be modeled. 

E-mail if questions arise or if you need to schedule a preliminary rating. 

NOTE: Mandatory provisions cannot be substituted and are denoted with the following symbol ~~

Install insulation baffles in ventilated eaves in order to maintain unrestricted pathways of air flow. 

Install an R-value of 38 in attics and 30 in sloped or vaulted ceiling areas. ~~(R-30 is the mandatory in most situations) 

~~Insulate and weather-strip attic access panels to the level of R-19. Attic tents are recommended for pull-down stairs. In no case may the size of the ladder’s foot treads be reduced per insulation. Weather-striping is required. 

~~Conditioned floor above garage is to be insulated at R- 19 or above. Insulation is to be secured to, and touching the subfloor. 


~~Insulate walls to a level of R-13 or better. All cavities are to be filled and sealed on both sides. Batt insulation is to be face stapled. (This is a requirement of HU) 

~~Fixtures on outside walls that do not receive sheet rock, such as tub/shower enclosures and stairwells, are to be sealed with sheathing or house wrap. 

~~Attic walls are to be sealed with sheathing or house wrap. (R-3 foam board sheathing is recommended) This is true for both knee walls and raised ceiling walls. –Trey ceiling walls 12” or less in height, may be blown if insulation completely covers all surfaces. 

Above wall blocking is necessary for garage walls that adjoin attic space so that insulation does not spill over. 


Do not exceed a 15% ratio of glass to floor area. Example: Sq. Ft. of living area X .15 = ( ) max window area 

~~Minimum window efficiencies: U-factor 0.35 

SHGC 0.27 

Floor Insulation: 

~~6 mil or thicker ground cover is to be applied to all crawl spaces. Ground cover should be overlapped and turned up walls at least 12”. Drainage issues that would lead to standing water, should be corrected prior to insulation. 

~~Insulate between joists to R-19 (Secure batts to decking) OR install R-5 foundation wall insulation with proper ventilation and gaps of 3”near top & 9”near bottom. 

Air Sealing: 

~~A blower door test is to be performed on all homes to verify an air change per hour rate of (5) or less at 50 pa. Either supply, exhaust, or balanced mechanical ventilation per ASHRAE 62.2-2010 is a requirement. This should be accomplished through a licensed HVAC contractor. 

~~Openings around windows, doors, wires, plumbing, ventilation, ducts, ext. are to be sealed with foam or caulk. 

~~Seal sill plates with caulk or gaskets. 

~~Sheathing is to be snuggly adjoined at edges, or overlapped. O.S.B. sheathing requires taped house wrap. HVAC 

~~Duct systems must be sealed to a level of no more than 4% leakage to outside, per duct blaster testing by Hsv. Util. Systems completely located within conditioned space are exempt from this requirement. 

~~Heat pumps with electric-resistance auxiliary heat must have controls to prevent unnecessary deployment. An outdoor or a programmable thermostat may be used. 

~~Air flow for both return and supply must be accomplished through approved duct. No framed cavities. Gas fueled systems may not be equipped with a continually burning pilot light. 


~~Install high efficiency lighting at a ratio of at least 75%. (e.g., CFL or LED EXT) 90% is recommended. 


~~Hot water pipes located outside conditioned area, including those within or under the slab, shall be insulated to an R-Value of R-3 or better. 

Install roof decking that is coated with a radiant barrier 

~~Seal band joist on the outside and insulate them on the inside at the level of grade #1. 

Schedule rough-in and final inspections per:

Revised 07/10/2017 

Lead Process Coordinator
Huntsville Utilities Administration Building

112 Spragins Street, Huntsville, AL 35801 | Map

Electric, Gas, or Water Service Outages


Main Utilities Numbers

Local: 256-535-1200 | Toll Free: 1-866-478-8845